The Next Insurtech Disruptor
This free eBook explores how the digital transformation is disrupting insurance and what potential pitfalls every financial institution needs to avoid.
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The Next Insurtech Disruptor
This free eBook explores how the digital transformation is disrupting insurance and what potential pitfalls every financial institution needs to avoid.
The financial world might be bringing up the rear in the digital revolution, but it’s bringing billions in revenue with it. And from mobile payments to blockchain and digital currencies, the industry is clearly showing signs of increased disruption.
This eBook explains why, as the transformation continues, digital life insurance isn't what next, it's what's now!
Inside You'll learn:
- What financial institutions need to know about insurtech
- How to design a digital 'mouse trap' to harness it's power
- 4 potential pitfalls to avoid
Download your complimentary copy of this essential eBook